Anthropology Theory Project


Becky Ballard: Emile Durkheim

Alexis Berger: A. R. Radcliffe-Brown

Kaylee Blechinger: Hortense Powdermaker;

Emily Brambrink: James Deetz;

Cassidy Campbell: Ian Hodder

Colleen Campbell: Zora Neale Hurston ;

David Carlisle: Bronislaw Malinowski

Elizabeth Ellington: Philippe Bourgois

Stephanie Farah: John Comaroff and Jean Comaroff

Brianna Halonen: Lila Abu-Lughod

Josephine Kephart: Arthur Kleinman

Julie: E.B.Tylor

Andrea Roberts: Elsie Clews Parsons

Nancy T-M: Margaret Mead

Kelly Vogel:Ruth Benedict

Professional Organizations[]

Becky Ballard: African Studies Association

Alexis Berger: Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition

Kaylee Blechinger: The Society of East Asian Archaeology

Emily Brambrink: Evolutionary Anthropology Society

Cassidy Campbell: Public Archaeology

Colleen Campbell: Society for the Anthropology of Europe

David Carlisle: Forensic Anthropology

Elizabeth Ellington: Society for Urban, National, Transnational/Global Anthropology

Stephanie Farah:

Brianna Halonen: AFA

Josephine Kephart:

Julie Lo: Society for Medical Anthropology

Andrea Roberts: Society for Visual Anthropology

Nancy T-M: Society for the Anthropology of North America

Kelly Vogel: Association for Political and Legal Anthropology
